
Tour of China: Baoguo Temple of Ningbo

June 24, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage issued a document agreed to "Paul Temple conservation planning," indicating the cause of Paul Temple's conservation management since there are rules to follow, the overall planning of urban-rural Naruningbo be gradually achieved.
"Paul Temple conservation planning" in the system summary Paul Temple and the ancient buildings of historical and cultural value, based on the science and art, that a true and complete status of the ancient buildings, but the main building there are security risks, management, utilization needs to be improved. To this end the plan to address the problem of the original scope of protection tour of China and construction control areas to conduct a scientific adjustment, to develop a maintenance program to protect special buildings, ancient buildings of security, fire, lightning, flood and other disaster prevention system has been modified design and improve the basic requirements and service facilities, cultural influence around the body of regulation to protect the environmental problems and improve the management of heritage conservation, protection and management and establish a good training mechanism.
"Paul Temple conservation planning" through, in order to protect and manage the use of conservation Temple depicts the blueprint for cultural tourism development strategy Paul Temple and the path selection to provide a scientific basis, will effectively guide the city's major cultural China holidays norms project - Paul Temple renovation project to enhance the overall function of the implementation, promotion of Paul Temple "five-second" period by leaps and bounds, help coordinate protection of cultural heritage protection and Temple of Ningbo relationship between local economic development.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

