
China City Tours: Yunnan Promotes Tourism Development

July 6, the National Tourism Bureau and Yunnan Provincial Party Committee held a forum in Beijing, and with the provincial government signed the "open on the construction of an important bridgehead for the southwest of Yunnan to jointly promote the tourism industry by leaps and bounds tour of China minutes of talks."
Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress Bai Enpei presided over and addressed the forum. Provincial Committee, Governor Qin Guangrong, party secretary of China National Tourism Administration, Shao Qiwei, speech at the forum, and on behalf of both sides in the "Minutes of Talks" was signed. Wang, deputy director of China National Tourism Administration issued, Zhu Shanzhong, Wu literary party members attended. Liu Ping, Vice Governor of Yunnan Province in the forum reported on the development of the tourism industry. Provincial Government Secretary-General Ding Shaoxiang presided over the signing ceremony.
Bai Enpei said a long time, the National Tourism Administration of Yunnan Province, the development of the tourism industry has given great support and promote the sustained and rapid development of tourism in Yunnan. Yunnan provincial government has always attached great importance to the development of the tourism industry, especially in recent years great efforts to promote tourism "second pioneering", China holidays and achieved remarkable results. State Council issued "to support the southwest Yunnan Province to accelerate the construction and opening important bridgehead for the views" of Yunnan's tourism development mission proposed a new and higher requirements, the provincial government will continue to focus on tourism as a national key industries development, the National Tourism Administration, as always, want to give care and support, together Yunnan into 'Yunnan' good 'tourists willing to "domestic first-class, internationally renowned tourist destination, to achieve the tourism in Yunnan province to the strong tourist economy across the province.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

