
City Tours China: West Lake Languages Services

June 24, 2011, Lake was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Committee, "World Cultural Heritage." And as early as heritage, before the West Lake has tour of China been known for thousands of years throughout China. But think about it, the West Lake in what is known? The face of "cultural" heritage, how we read the West Lake?

West Lake scenic area of service will be upgraded. Include the 24 core sites of the World Heritage Lake, visitors will prepare the language to explain with six devices. How do these attractions, and now you try to put pen to paper to explain the word, your wonderful pen article may sound reverberating in the future tourists ear.
Understand the heritage value , China holidays of the variable "tourist row" "depth tour"
"We can say that each year thirty million domestic tourists visit the West Lake, of which 80% of people praise the West Lake Liulv pink, blue boating ... is outside the United States." One of the tourism industry laments. In fact, in the eyes of the public visitors, the natural scenery of West Lake has been won. Including the natural heritage or natural not to be declared cultural double inheritance, there are many tourists did not understand.
This is a real problem - only a small percentage of visitors to the cultural heritage of the people know the value of the West Lake, Lake of the inner beauty.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

