
China Best Tour: Dezhou Tour Destinations

Recently, Dezhou Tourism Bureau issued a notice, named Wong Ming Solar Museum, Texas amusement park (Xisen Pleasure Island), Leling fifty acres Zaolin tourist area, Yucheng Yuwang Pavilion Museum, Han Yucheng Yuqiao God churches, Ling County Fair Court for the state class AA tourist area.

For the creation of China's outstanding tourist city, to promote tourism to continuously improve the quality and grade, this year launched a national best China tour Dezhou A-level scenic spots to create the work. In August, the Tourism Bureau issued "on the A-level scenic spots in the city to carry out assessment work notice." In October, the county (city, district) Tourism initial evaluation, a total of six units to the city's Tourism Bureau has declared the national AA level applications for tourist attractions. In November, the provincial tourism bureau staff, in accordance with PRC national standard "tourist area (point) level of classification and quality assessment" (GB/T17775-1999) and 'rating scenic quality management approach ", the reporting unit on-site inspection and information access, subject to stringent inspection and acceptance, the museum decided to name the Himin six units for the state AA grade scenic spot.

A-level scenic spots for national assessment work for the city to speed up the development of tourism is of great moral significance. A state-level scenic spot is divided into 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A total of five levels, is a major area of national standards to measure, but also  China best tours the area to improve visibility, the importance of the brand to attract tourists. Which, 4A and above by the National Tourism Bureau, 3A, 2A and below the provincial Tourism Administration, Bureau of Tourism. Dayan Island Ecological Park declared 3A-class tourist area is being assessed. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

