
City Tours: Yunnan AAAAA Scenic Areas

July 15, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau held a new national 5A tourist attractions briefing, Yunnan Tourism Bureau, the top into a metaphor for the keynote speech.
Top Yu Cheng said that since 1999, the country started to create A-level scenic activities, Yunnan Province, the national honor as the pilot area A record one of the provinces, has experienced more than ten years of effort and development, the full support of the National Bureau , the A-level scenic tour of China spot in Yunnan both the quantity and quality to achieve rapid expansion and development, as of now there are 168 A-level scenic spots, including Class 5A area 5, is particularly worth mentioning is that while the Yunnan 3 Class 5A area received the honor, making the 5A scenic spot in Yunnan increased from two to five, tied for fifth in the country, ranks first in the western region. This fully reflects the efforts of all parties in Yunnan Province, in the investment, sufficient capital is not the case in particular, the limited resources to achieve the greatest benefits, and in the management system has invested enormous effort and formed an effective management mechanism, ultimately this award.
He also asked the A-level scenic spots in Yunnan to promote the brand strategy to continue to strive to increase during the second five 5 5A level scenic spots. And to 5A based on more precise done. On this basis, development of appropriate characteristics of the top China holidays attractions to further enhance the tour products, to form a tourism-based leisure complex product.
Dali state party committee, deputy governor Cai Chunsheng, Lijiang City, Municipal Committee, vice mayor Yang Haodong and the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Old Town of Lijiang and Dali Three Pagodas and cultural tourism-related charge participants and accept questions from reporters. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

