
China West Lake Postcards to be Issued

West World Heritage List, in order to meet the collection needs of philatelists, stamp company Hangzhou special issue, "Lake thirty King" postcards and "rhyme Lake personalized tour of China, stamp" stamp pack. "West Lake thirty King" postcards to show the first time in the form of oil painting Lake thirty King, oil painting by the Chinese, "a panoramic view of scenery oil painting series," pioneer, Mr. Wang Chengwu by the China Academy of Art. In addition, there are postcards, special approval of the State Postal Bureau, "World Heritage" logo stamped pattern, engraved with the West Lake scenic thirty corresponding Commemorative King, and King motioned with maps and thirty West Lake Panorama.

"West Lake thirty King" stamped postcards circulation of 2 million units. Simultaneous release as well as "personalized stamps Lake rhyme" stamp pack, use wooden Chinese Master of Fine Arts Professor Lu Fang watermark works. Tomorrow morning, the West Lake in Hangzhou Post will launch ceremony held at the Museum. Site selection the first time China holidays stamp free stamp color Lake "World Heritage" Commemorative. By then, the public can go to the Museum of West Lake in Hangzhou (Hangzhou Nanshan Road, 87-2), and Hangzhou Stamp Company (Hangzhou Fengqi Road 58) to buy.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

