
City Tours: Ningbo Tianyi Pavilion

Recently, Ningbo, Tianyi Pavilion, a large move in the precious relics in the warehouse relocation, heritage inventory process, the staff tour of China accidentally discovered 11 Oracle never seen before.
Currently, 11 precious Oracle has been carefully put the staff to do the big camphor wood cabinet. This 11 Oracle, a large adult palm, small only slightly larger than an adult thumb nails, most in the 1.5 to 3 cm wide and between about 10 cm, the texture is all bones. In addition to the presentation of a few large pieces of rust-colored black to dark red, the rest were generally white and yellow ivory.
11 Oracle legible, Tianyi Pavilion Library staff counted a total of more than 200 words. Tianyi Pavilion is not an expert specializing in Oracle, Oracle do not know who is on the text. Collections Research Department of Li, which will be a shoot down, passed to his tutor, Beijing Normal University, Associate Professor of China holidays Ancient Books of Shijie Peng. Shijie Peng quickly gives his interpretation: "kui wei Ching, late Without Harm; GuiYou Ching, late Without Harm." Translated into the vernacular, meaning: kui wei day divination, and the images of these 10 days a very good show not a bad sign; 10 days after the day of GuiYou divination, and the images of the results shows that the next 10 days without a bad sign.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

