
China City Tour: Yushan Green Tea

Recently, Yushan Green Tea production process selected Suzhou fifth representative items of intangible cultural heritage list.
    Yushan Tea with Roasted famous, elegant green, scented, have the effect of raising gas refreshing. In 1965, the national green competitions, was second Roasted Yushan level, later in the province, Suzhou quality evaluation are among the best. Now, Yushan Forest Farm tour of China, launched the first pollution-free green tea Jianmen brand, sub-sword cents, Biluochun, Ming cents, green snow on the specification level, etc., especially in 1978 started to develop new products sword mm, flat appearance, smooth and straight , green Phi cents, after the leaves soaked sword shape, vertical stud, aroma, liquor color clear and resistant to brew. Ming mm needle was, bar tight, bare outside Pekoe, fragrant aroma, clear soup green, taste sweet. Each of the other levels are well-made, were welcomed by all walks of life.
    Late March to mid-April is the busiest time of year, the average daily harvest 200 kg of fresh leaves, to be completed within 8 hours of frying. High tea must be manually Biluochun frying. Spreading the day picking fresh leaves were plaque in the bamboo. After fixing the machine, rolled, hand-made type, significantly cents, verdant leaf curl into a spiral, wearing full cents, white implicit Tsui, can be China holidays, packed on the market. Before fixing, rolled by hand to complete, was gradually replaced by machinery, but do type, was the coin identification process must be the human eye, manual, and frying more experience, the better the color of tea, taste sweeter. Middle and low can the whole process of tea production machine operator, dry high-grade tea you need to manually complete the final two processes. Fried tea pot temperature of 100 degrees, fry pan Biluochun from the hand can not and must not be constantly stir until hot burns, blistering hand is a common practice, and fried tea for a long time, would sit for hours , or even ten hours.
    Yushan Green Tea production process as a folk art face lost, the fifth installment of the selected representative list of intangible cultural heritage protection can arouse people's awareness of. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

