
China West Lake Expo Mascot on the Marcket

Jingjing mascot dolls, Hugh Bo version of "painting", printed on beautiful Lake of the 3D dynamic postcards ... ... on July 27 at the Leisure Expo and the West will be the first licensed product, the recommended product review meeting, 120 features a variety of products with off-Bo passed the "test", the first end of next month and will be off-line off-Bo Fair Mall listing.

In order to better communication Leisure Expo and the West will be the brand influence to help more companies with excellent platform for exhibition display and promote corporate image, and better to the general public and tourists with a wealth of tour memorabilia, this year's Leisure Expo draws on the successful experience of the Shanghai World Expo, the country in late May for the start collecting Leisure Expo licensed products. Carefully selected, organizers from the first batch of 30 enterprises in the declaration of the final confirmation from Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hong Kong's 13 licensed manufacturers. The review meeting, 13 manufacturers submitted a total of 141 licensed products section.

Leisure Expo on September 17 after the opening of licensed products will be marketed through multiple channels fully. Public friends in Horse Lake, and Lake Xianghu three Xiuboyuan main park franchise retail stores, postal designated shops, Taobao Mall shops, and some part of the West Point and other places of public bicycle rental purchase.

According to reports, Hugh Fair also set up a franchise in other forms, such as Leisure Expo recommended products, online merchants and other Leisure Expo, at the same time, the recruitment of licensed products will continue to work, where business ideas in line with off-Bo the theme, has a good reputation and corporate image of the manufacturers and retailers through the Leisure Expo official website (www.wl-expo.com) candidates.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


2011 China Fashion Tour

Jingjing mascot dolls, Hugh Bo version of "painting", printed on beautiful Lake of the 3D dynamic postcards ... ... on July 27 at the Leisure Expo and the West will be the first licensed product, the recommended product review meeting, 120 features a variety of products with off-Bo passed the "test", the first end of next month and will be off-line off-Bo Fair Mall listing.

In order to better communication Leisure Expo and the West will be the brand influence to help more companies with excellent platform for exhibition display and promote corporate image, and better to the general public and tourists with a wealth of tour memorabilia, this year's Leisure Expo draws on the successful experience of the Shanghai World Expo, the country in late May for the start collecting Leisure Expo licensed products. Carefully selected, organizers from the first batch of 30 enterprises in the declaration of the final confirmation from Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hong Kong's 13 licensed manufacturers. The review meeting, 13 manufacturers submitted a total of 141 licensed products section.

Leisure Expo September 17th after the opening of licensed products will be marketed through multiple channels fully. Public friends in Horse Lake, and Lake Xianghu three Xiuboyuan main park franchise retail stores, postal designated shops, Taobao Mall shops, and some part of the West Point and other places of public bicycle rental purchase.

According to reports, Hugh Fair also set up a franchise in other forms, such as Leisure Expo recommended products, online merchants and other Leisure Expo, at the same time, the recruitment of licensed products will continue to work, where business ideas in line with off-Bo the theme, has a good reputation and corporate image of the manufacturers and retailers through the Leisure Expo official website (www.wl-expo.com) candidates.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


Xichang Ethnics Tour

Yesterday (24) days is the Lunar June 24, 2011 Xichang, China • Liangshan Yi Torch Festival on the first day, magic and beauty of Xichang Ann Yi Village welcomed its fourth Folk Culture and Tourism Festival grand opening.The opening ceremony, hospitable Ann Yi people to show visitors from all over Yi authentic dance, costumes, folk, and production and lifestyle. Rich ethnic customs, magic Bimo performances, wonderful bull, sheep, fighting, cock fighting is to show visitors repeatedly applauded. Shuttle visitors between the reporter and his party, enjoying a good first day of the Torch Festival.
Seen enough? Yi Jia casually walked into a small courtyard, points table rich Yijia vegetables, Tuotuo meat, pickled chicken, buckwheat Baba, and even vegetable residue ... ... and a series of Yi Jia special dishes are sure to make you a real treat.

Satiate? Or into the forest, lying in a hammock, close your eyes, breath of fresh air, feel the breeze blowing the feeling, enjoy the cool summer; or invite friends and relatives on the climb Luo Ji Xiongfeng, stunning scenery Dramas , acres of orchards, acres of virgin forest people away; or together to explore the deep, mysterious Luoji Cave, enjoy the nature gods like the skill.Want to leave? Rent on a set of camping equipment, where to find water by mountains, camping, and nature once again at night to a close contact. Troublesome? It does not matter! Lolo hospitable Ann singing "detain a guest song," so you live in village of Yi Yi Jia strong wind.If you want to have such a beautiful day as reporters, do not worry, he gave a good reporter to help you: the folk culture tourism festival from yesterday (24) opening, will continue until the end of July 30, and so what? Act now!For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


2011 China Jiangsu Tour

According to statistics, the current A-level scenic spot of Jiangsu reached 396. Leisure and tourism continues to develop, Tangshan, Nanjing, Lianyungang, East China Sea and other spa towns to take shape. Implementation of the project of rural tourism, rural tourism star (point) to 35, in addition to characteristics of different agricultural leisure more than 4,000 points. Accelerate the development of shopping tourism, garment Changshu City, Danyang City, glasses and other shopping area of ability, cars, boats, outdoor equipment, supplies and other travel goods industry to emerge. MICE tourism system has improved steadily, first in China to base the development of traveling by car standards, successfully created 22 bases. Theme parks, tourism and other new form of rapid network development, the emergence of a park in Suzhou, Changzhou Dinosaur Park and with the way network, transit network and a number of cattle brands.

Reporters from the Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau, the recent successful implementation of six major breakthrough in Jiangsu Tourism: Annual domestic tourists exceeded 300 million to 3.5 million passengers, up 19.5%; inbound tourists exceeded 26 million people, reaching 6.536 million people , an increase of 17.4%, accounting for about one-tenth of the country; travel agencies organize outbound tourism 497 000 passengers, up 44.4%, higher than twice the country; tourism value exceeded 200 billion yuan, up 23.5%; 4A scenic spots in the country over the first 100 break; 468.5 billion yuan of tourism revenue, an increase of 23.4%, remain first in the country. Complete travel investment exceeded 55 billion yuan for the first time, an increase of 20%. 5A-level scenic spots, national characteristics of the landscape tourist town (village), the country's industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration sites such as the number of ranking first in the country, Suzhou Industrial Park, Yangzhou, business tourism and Shugang - Slender West Lake tourist area countries were named "national Business Travel demonstration zone "and" national cultural tourism demonstration zone "Jiangsu size and quality of tourism products remain in the country.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


China West Lake Postcards to be Issued

West World Heritage List, in order to meet the collection needs of philatelists, stamp company Hangzhou special issue, "Lake thirty King" postcards and "rhyme Lake personalized tour of China, stamp" stamp pack. "West Lake thirty King" postcards to show the first time in the form of oil painting Lake thirty King, oil painting by the Chinese, "a panoramic view of scenery oil painting series," pioneer, Mr. Wang Chengwu by the China Academy of Art. In addition, there are postcards, special approval of the State Postal Bureau, "World Heritage" logo stamped pattern, engraved with the West Lake scenic thirty corresponding Commemorative King, and King motioned with maps and thirty West Lake Panorama.

"West Lake thirty King" stamped postcards circulation of 2 million units. Simultaneous release as well as "personalized stamps Lake rhyme" stamp pack, use wooden Chinese Master of Fine Arts Professor Lu Fang watermark works. Tomorrow morning, the West Lake in Hangzhou Post will launch ceremony held at the Museum. Site selection the first time China holidays stamp free stamp color Lake "World Heritage" Commemorative. By then, the public can go to the Museum of West Lake in Hangzhou (Hangzhou Nanshan Road, 87-2), and Hangzhou Stamp Company (Hangzhou Fengqi Road 58) to buy.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


City Tours: Zhejiang Ocean Tours

July 15, Zhejiang Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Fang Jinghua line to Dinghai tourism research, field visits to South Cave Art Valley houses, tea Valley tour of China eco-tourism area and Xihoumen Bridge Scenic Area, and listened to the responsible people's work. In the first half, and vigorously promote tourism travel Dinghai key projects, overall increase tourism promotion efforts to further improve the tourism industry management, strengthen self-construction sector, the work has made new breakthroughs. The end of May, the district received a total of 1,545,900 foreign tourists trips, the total income of 1.094 billion yuan of tourism.
Fang Jinghua said that China holidays the current focus area Dinghai has taken shape, and has formed a good tourism environment for the next phase of development laid a solid foundation. He pointed out that the Zhoushan Islands District's approval, to Dinghai brought a rare opportunity to travel, Dinghai to the existing basis, to increase the development of tourism projects and promotion efforts, urged Dinghai tourism development to a new level.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


City Tours: Hunhe River Tour

Junction to the west by the Shenfu ring, stretching 38 kilometers south of the Hun River, the park will be built seven different characteristics, the formation of three seasonal, diverse riparian forest landscape. April 4, with the provincial and municipal leaders in Shenyang and the Shenyang Military Region, and led troops in the south of the Changbai region Hun, play spades more than 3,000 trees tour of China planted trees, the south bank of Hun River "three with seven zones" Waterfront Landscape Construction officially launched. October of this year, the public can walk the south bank of Hun River and enjoy the beautiful riverside landscape. According to reports, this year started construction of the South Bank riverside landscape, planning area east of the junction of Shenyang and Fushun, west to the West Third Ring Road, a total length of 38.4 kilometers, with a total planned area of ​​22.72 square kilometers. This year the first implement of 12.63 square kilometers, planting trees to 4.185 million, of which 30% of evergreen trees.
Hun River waterfront south of Peking University landscape design landscape design experts, planning for the "three with seven areas."In the seven parks in urban wetland park to the highway by the Shenfu ring highway, shoreline length 8.2 km, with water sports, including Hun, Hun wetland landscape with urban leisure riparian zone; fashion Sports Park consists of three ring highway bridge by the new legislation China holidays to thirty-eight tunnel Fort, East tower Bridge, shoreline length 6.4 km; Repulse Bay Park by the East tower Bridge to Cheung Tsing Bridge, shoreline length 3.8 km; city Riverfront Park by the Cheung Tsing Bridge Fumin Bridge over the bridge to the youth, shoreline length 4.4 km; Golf Park bridge to Miyoshi from the young bridge, shoreline length 5.3 km; Miyoshi bridge over the bridge to the victory Bridge workers and peasants, grew up in the railway for the sports park, shoreline length 2 km; from the National Cheng Kung University Bridge and the railway had Yansaihu West Third Ring Road to the forest park, shoreline length 6.9 km.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

City Tours: Shanghai Takamatsu Flight Tour

Through the joint efforts of both China and Japan, because Japan earthquake postponed the opening of the "Shanghai - Japan Takamatsu," the official tour of China route and finally sail in a month. Shanghai Municipal Tourism Bureau said that the Secretary specifically on the matter written letter addressed to the Japanese side, letter published in Japan, "Four News", the expression of the Japanese community of Shanghai tourism routes opened congratulations.

July 15 afternoon, the route opened on the day, the Shanghai Tourism Bureau said that the book met with Secretary Tourism Vice Governor Kagawa, Toshio days of cloud line 30. Dao Shuming Secretary welcomed the delegation's visit, and Japan's Kagawa Prefecture on the Shanghai tourism support expressed sincere gratitude. Kagawa Prefecture in Japan in recent years, Shanghai's tourism and increasingly frequent exchanges and to further promote the tourism market, both the common prosperity of China Spring Airlines launched the Shanghai and Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture route.

That evening, the Shanghai Tourism Bureau participated in the "Shanghai - Takamatsu" commemorative inaugural exchange party, and the opening party on the route China holidays expressed warm congratulations. "Shanghai - Takamatsu," set up a direct flight between Shanghai and Kagawa tourism exchange of the two bridges, and more convenient for both staff and the tourism exchanges between activities.

Both sides agreed to further strengthen the publicity work together expeditiously to restore Japan's 3.11 earthquake on both the impact of the tourism industry, and organize more exchange of visits between the two people travel, in order to further enhance the friendship between the two peoples and mutual understanding.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


City Tours: Yunnan AAAAA Scenic Areas

July 15, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau held a new national 5A tourist attractions briefing, Yunnan Tourism Bureau, the top into a metaphor for the keynote speech.
Top Yu Cheng said that since 1999, the country started to create A-level scenic activities, Yunnan Province, the national honor as the pilot area A record one of the provinces, has experienced more than ten years of effort and development, the full support of the National Bureau , the A-level scenic tour of China spot in Yunnan both the quantity and quality to achieve rapid expansion and development, as of now there are 168 A-level scenic spots, including Class 5A area 5, is particularly worth mentioning is that while the Yunnan 3 Class 5A area received the honor, making the 5A scenic spot in Yunnan increased from two to five, tied for fifth in the country, ranks first in the western region. This fully reflects the efforts of all parties in Yunnan Province, in the investment, sufficient capital is not the case in particular, the limited resources to achieve the greatest benefits, and in the management system has invested enormous effort and formed an effective management mechanism, ultimately this award.
He also asked the A-level scenic spots in Yunnan to promote the brand strategy to continue to strive to increase during the second five 5 5A level scenic spots. And to 5A based on more precise done. On this basis, development of appropriate characteristics of the top China holidays attractions to further enhance the tour products, to form a tourism-based leisure complex product.
Dali state party committee, deputy governor Cai Chunsheng, Lijiang City, Municipal Committee, vice mayor Yang Haodong and the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Old Town of Lijiang and Dali Three Pagodas and cultural tourism-related charge participants and accept questions from reporters. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


City Tours: Ningbo Tianyi Pavilion

Recently, Ningbo, Tianyi Pavilion, a large move in the precious relics in the warehouse relocation, heritage inventory process, the staff tour of China accidentally discovered 11 Oracle never seen before.
Currently, 11 precious Oracle has been carefully put the staff to do the big camphor wood cabinet. This 11 Oracle, a large adult palm, small only slightly larger than an adult thumb nails, most in the 1.5 to 3 cm wide and between about 10 cm, the texture is all bones. In addition to the presentation of a few large pieces of rust-colored black to dark red, the rest were generally white and yellow ivory.
11 Oracle legible, Tianyi Pavilion Library staff counted a total of more than 200 words. Tianyi Pavilion is not an expert specializing in Oracle, Oracle do not know who is on the text. Collections Research Department of Li, which will be a shoot down, passed to his tutor, Beijing Normal University, Associate Professor of China holidays Ancient Books of Shijie Peng. Shijie Peng quickly gives his interpretation: "kui wei Ching, late Without Harm; GuiYou Ching, late Without Harm." Translated into the vernacular, meaning: kui wei day divination, and the images of these 10 days a very good show not a bad sign; 10 days after the day of GuiYou divination, and the images of the results shows that the next 10 days without a bad sign.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


China City Tour: Yushan Green Tea

Recently, Yushan Green Tea production process selected Suzhou fifth representative items of intangible cultural heritage list.
    Yushan Tea with Roasted famous, elegant green, scented, have the effect of raising gas refreshing. In 1965, the national green competitions, was second Roasted Yushan level, later in the province, Suzhou quality evaluation are among the best. Now, Yushan Forest Farm tour of China, launched the first pollution-free green tea Jianmen brand, sub-sword cents, Biluochun, Ming cents, green snow on the specification level, etc., especially in 1978 started to develop new products sword mm, flat appearance, smooth and straight , green Phi cents, after the leaves soaked sword shape, vertical stud, aroma, liquor color clear and resistant to brew. Ming mm needle was, bar tight, bare outside Pekoe, fragrant aroma, clear soup green, taste sweet. Each of the other levels are well-made, were welcomed by all walks of life.
    Late March to mid-April is the busiest time of year, the average daily harvest 200 kg of fresh leaves, to be completed within 8 hours of frying. High tea must be manually Biluochun frying. Spreading the day picking fresh leaves were plaque in the bamboo. After fixing the machine, rolled, hand-made type, significantly cents, verdant leaf curl into a spiral, wearing full cents, white implicit Tsui, can be China holidays, packed on the market. Before fixing, rolled by hand to complete, was gradually replaced by machinery, but do type, was the coin identification process must be the human eye, manual, and frying more experience, the better the color of tea, taste sweeter. Middle and low can the whole process of tea production machine operator, dry high-grade tea you need to manually complete the final two processes. Fried tea pot temperature of 100 degrees, fry pan Biluochun from the hand can not and must not be constantly stir until hot burns, blistering hand is a common practice, and fried tea for a long time, would sit for hours , or even ten hours.
    Yushan Green Tea production process as a folk art face lost, the fifth installment of the selected representative list of intangible cultural heritage protection can arouse people's awareness of. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


China City Tour: Xiamen Railway Park

Railway Park, the northernmost strip the old one block from the text screen Road to Wanshou segment length 850 meters. This section of the old railway has changed like: red brick with Taiwanese characteristics sleepers embedded in the gap, forming a unique trail, foot on the top tour of China is very comfortable, with rust color of the tracks, old ties to match up each other, express a half a century prints. The old railway line, a number of service facilities has been completed construction.
Wanshou mouth, flea market west of the old railway side of the open space more than six new polished stone table, engraved on the desktop is also close to the chess board. Each is equipped with four stone table stone bench. The shade of tall rubber Yung shed, the old people sitting on a stone bench chess, chatting, enjoying the quiet, comfortable life. Steel frame stands in the old public toilets the other side of the railway, as from the public.

Wanshou to Tiger Park road was named "feelings living area," long 1040 meters. This is the first construction period, is an old railroad ribbon park demonstration. This is a neighborhood up, so it's landscape construction highlight the spice of life. This section also stocked stone steps China holidays along the old railway, extending to both sides of the community, facilitate the neighboring residents to come to relax. All the way forward, next to patches of reeds swaying in the railway, the natural growth of weeds vines are carefully possidetis remained, still full of vitality. With granite and wood makes up the leisure square stool, highlight the railway atmosphere. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


China City Tours: Yunnan Promotes Tourism Development

July 6, the National Tourism Bureau and Yunnan Provincial Party Committee held a forum in Beijing, and with the provincial government signed the "open on the construction of an important bridgehead for the southwest of Yunnan to jointly promote the tourism industry by leaps and bounds tour of China minutes of talks."
Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Congress Bai Enpei presided over and addressed the forum. Provincial Committee, Governor Qin Guangrong, party secretary of China National Tourism Administration, Shao Qiwei, speech at the forum, and on behalf of both sides in the "Minutes of Talks" was signed. Wang, deputy director of China National Tourism Administration issued, Zhu Shanzhong, Wu literary party members attended. Liu Ping, Vice Governor of Yunnan Province in the forum reported on the development of the tourism industry. Provincial Government Secretary-General Ding Shaoxiang presided over the signing ceremony.
Bai Enpei said a long time, the National Tourism Administration of Yunnan Province, the development of the tourism industry has given great support and promote the sustained and rapid development of tourism in Yunnan. Yunnan provincial government has always attached great importance to the development of the tourism industry, especially in recent years great efforts to promote tourism "second pioneering", China holidays and achieved remarkable results. State Council issued "to support the southwest Yunnan Province to accelerate the construction and opening important bridgehead for the views" of Yunnan's tourism development mission proposed a new and higher requirements, the provincial government will continue to focus on tourism as a national key industries development, the National Tourism Administration, as always, want to give care and support, together Yunnan into 'Yunnan' good 'tourists willing to "domestic first-class, internationally renowned tourist destination, to achieve the tourism in Yunnan province to the strong tourist economy across the province.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


City Tours in Nanchong

"By 2010, Nanchong City will strive to host more than 8 million domestic and foreign tourists trips, tourism revenues over $ 5 billion by 3 to 5 years tour of China of development and construction, Nanchong China's inland rivers would become a famous eco-cultural tourism products and sightseeing, leisure, vacation, water sports and other functions in one destination. "January 9, Nanchong Municipal Bureau of Tourism deputy director Xia Jianping so in an interview with reporters, said with confidence.
Last year, the Jialing River Basin eco-cultural tourism as the province is one of the new top five tourist areas, and Nanchong Jialing River section is the top priority. By 3 to 5 years of development and construction, Nanchong Jialing River Basin will (Nanchong Section) ecological and cultural tourism playing a well-known inland rivers in China's ecological and cultural tourist products and sightseeing, leisure, vacation, water sports and other functions in one tourist destination, while two focus on developing and China holidays building the city, six district, part of four lines.
According to the reporter, the two cities that Nanchong city and Langzhong; Jialing the first six districts that meander tourist areas, tourist areas Jialing the first country, the first homeland tourism Jialing River, the Millennium Square silk are the first tourist area, the hometown of Zhu De (gem Mountain), Xishan Scenic Area; part of the Nanchong 9 counties (cities) Tourism main ring Road, including the construction of a number of reasonable layout, a sufficient number of visitor centers and public rest areas, construction of a number of facilities, fully functional, distinctive tourist towns, scenic spots along the tour to create an atmosphere, build a number of distinctive resort hotels, etc.; four-city tour which means Langzhong, generals hometown tour, the three cultural tours, tour four beautiful tourist Jialing fine line.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


City Tours China: West Lake Languages Services

June 24, 2011, Lake was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Committee, "World Cultural Heritage." And as early as heritage, before the West Lake has tour of China been known for thousands of years throughout China. But think about it, the West Lake in what is known? The face of "cultural" heritage, how we read the West Lake?

West Lake scenic area of service will be upgraded. Include the 24 core sites of the World Heritage Lake, visitors will prepare the language to explain with six devices. How do these attractions, and now you try to put pen to paper to explain the word, your wonderful pen article may sound reverberating in the future tourists ear.
Understand the heritage value , China holidays of the variable "tourist row" "depth tour"
"We can say that each year thirty million domestic tourists visit the West Lake, of which 80% of people praise the West Lake Liulv pink, blue boating ... is outside the United States." One of the tourism industry laments. In fact, in the eyes of the public visitors, the natural scenery of West Lake has been won. Including the natural heritage or natural not to be declared cultural double inheritance, there are many tourists did not understand.
This is a real problem - only a small percentage of visitors to the cultural heritage of the people know the value of the West Lake, Lake of the inner beauty.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


China Best Tour: Dezhou Tour Destinations

Recently, Dezhou Tourism Bureau issued a notice, named Wong Ming Solar Museum, Texas amusement park (Xisen Pleasure Island), Leling fifty acres Zaolin tourist area, Yucheng Yuwang Pavilion Museum, Han Yucheng Yuqiao God churches, Ling County Fair Court for the state class AA tourist area.

For the creation of China's outstanding tourist city, to promote tourism to continuously improve the quality and grade, this year launched a national best China tour Dezhou A-level scenic spots to create the work. In August, the Tourism Bureau issued "on the A-level scenic spots in the city to carry out assessment work notice." In October, the county (city, district) Tourism initial evaluation, a total of six units to the city's Tourism Bureau has declared the national AA level applications for tourist attractions. In November, the provincial tourism bureau staff, in accordance with PRC national standard "tourist area (point) level of classification and quality assessment" (GB/T17775-1999) and 'rating scenic quality management approach ", the reporting unit on-site inspection and information access, subject to stringent inspection and acceptance, the museum decided to name the Himin six units for the state AA grade scenic spot.

A-level scenic spots for national assessment work for the city to speed up the development of tourism is of great moral significance. A state-level scenic spot is divided into 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A total of five levels, is a major area of national standards to measure, but also  China best tours the area to improve visibility, the importance of the brand to attract tourists. Which, 4A and above by the National Tourism Bureau, 3A, 2A and below the provincial Tourism Administration, Bureau of Tourism. Dayan Island Ecological Park declared 3A-class tourist area is being assessed. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


Tour of China: Baoguo Temple of Ningbo

June 24, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage issued a document agreed to "Paul Temple conservation planning," indicating the cause of Paul Temple's conservation management since there are rules to follow, the overall planning of urban-rural Naruningbo be gradually achieved.
"Paul Temple conservation planning" in the system summary Paul Temple and the ancient buildings of historical and cultural value, based on the science and art, that a true and complete status of the ancient buildings, but the main building there are security risks, management, utilization needs to be improved. To this end the plan to address the problem of the original scope of protection tour of China and construction control areas to conduct a scientific adjustment, to develop a maintenance program to protect special buildings, ancient buildings of security, fire, lightning, flood and other disaster prevention system has been modified design and improve the basic requirements and service facilities, cultural influence around the body of regulation to protect the environmental problems and improve the management of heritage conservation, protection and management and establish a good training mechanism.
"Paul Temple conservation planning" through, in order to protect and manage the use of conservation Temple depicts the blueprint for cultural tourism development strategy Paul Temple and the path selection to provide a scientific basis, will effectively guide the city's major cultural China holidays norms project - Paul Temple renovation project to enhance the overall function of the implementation, promotion of Paul Temple "five-second" period by leaps and bounds, help coordinate protection of cultural heritage protection and Temple of Ningbo relationship between local economic development.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


China City Tours: West Lake World Heritage Map

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, July 5 (Reporter Shang Yiying) - Lake cultural landscape heritage in the range where? What are representative of historical sites? 4, the Joint tour of China Planning Bureau, Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Zone in Hangzhou, produced 1500 copies of "West World Heritage Map" Start free of charge, to tourists and people from the world's cultural heritage perspective with the West Lake, West Lake Cultural relics look for help .

This map, inscription front range map for the West Lake, the back is the knowledge of the world heritage introduced. Including the specific distribution of World Heritage in China, West Lake cultural landscape heritage of the specific composition of the West Lake, and set the value of cultural landscape formation and evolution of cultural landscape history. Hangzhou Planning Bureau staff said, before a lot of visitors to the West Lake, mostly tourists, the West Lake as a cultural landscape heritage values​​, in fact, more China holidays in its culture, are often overlooked. The original intention of making this map is to allow the depth of the cultural landscape of West Lake tour and the public interest to tourists, there is a "what you want" approach. It is reported that this map is only "testing the water version" of Hangzhou will be based on tourists and the public for feedback on the map upgrade, such as the introduction of English for foreign visitors and maps.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


City Tours: Chongqing Builds China Red Tour Park

Feel the red culture, traditional education. Yesterday, the Chinese Red Classic theme park located in Nanchuan official signing ceremony was held.Accordance with the plan, the park covers an area of ​​1921 mu, the performing arts park, theme park, red landscape business district has tour of China three major components, three phases completed, the total investment will reach 2.5 billion yuan. All are expected within four years after construction, the park will present a visualization of the territory of the People's Republic building. Red classic theme park in China, first came to the Red Chinese performing arts park.

Chongqing Red Classic Investment Ltd. Chen Xiaofeng, said here will create a series of performances in all of China's most brilliant, most spectacular special performance culture China holidays shock of red, about two hours to enjoy a large red Chinese music and dance epic, from the 1921 show into the 21st century, people across the country under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, after the bloody struggle to create brilliant achievements of the glorious history.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent


China City Tours: Taiwan-Fujian Tour Cooperation Comes First

Is for Fujian, Xiamen, among the individual mainland residents to tour the first pilot, the two sides agreed to open Fujian residents to visit Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu personal travel, no doubt to the power of cooperation in tourism between Fujian and Taiwan's effective pilot initiatives.Tourism officials tour of China here said, Xiamen residents to open personal travel, the central support of West Coast Economic Zone, Fujian Province to Taiwan to give a pilot an important policy initiatives. This is accelerating the development of cross-Taiwan Straits Economic Zone to promote two-way exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, Fujian will build into an important distribution center for cross-strait exchanges, promote cross-strait tourist exchanges, great cooperation, and development has important and far-reaching significance.

From Fujian residents to visit Kinmen and Matsu to Penghu tourism and opening up Taiwan to Fujian included in the first team travel to the mainland 13 provinces and municipalities, residents from other provinces visit to Taiwan by the Fujian port of Xiamen, Fujian external temporary personnel for the Golden Gate Tour, from the China holidays first Taiwan-funded enterprises have settled down travel to Xiamen, Fujian Tourism Group signed a joint venture with Gammon Patriarch's Golden Gate Jinbaolai converted hotel. Over the years, cooperation in tourism between Fujian and Taiwan pilot has made many breakthroughs. For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent