
Rivers in Huangshan of China

Lian Jiang Xin'anjiang upstream, and fish beams above the dam on the river in practice, it's south to drop the Longjing green mountains north of town is the archaic Yuliang dependent. In order to protect the dam, has always been sailing, but dam, so the current from the upstream to the boat to tour of China the dam is the end of the beam of fish, to go downstream to turn the ship from here, so there gradually arose a small town - Fish Liang town. Small town, built along the Yangtze River. A stone street across town, the style of housing patterns on both sides looks like a shop, showing the rise of the year here. So here also become an important Ancient land terminals and cargo distribution. Yuliang town is also a historic town, is a quiet town, the so-called fish beam, is said to be the layout of this town was a Fish from the air (of course we do not condition down from the point of view) , head south, north tail, like a piece of the pebbles on the street scale, the town said that the resulting name. Walking China holidays through the town, the noise and savor the past today's bleak, slightly old town, a little something imposing, but a few more small households in the rustic streets and marketplaces. Narrow, winding streets, cobbled streets, after thousands of years the pace of the stampede, thousands of years of wind and rain erosion, pebbles looked clean as jade, an extension of the alley as if about to move to the tourist hustle and bustle of the past tell and prosperity.For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

