
China Xitang Holiday Tour

 Xitang the United States, and elsewhere is different is that it's share of flavor. The flavor, thanks to her great number of indigenous reserves, making it alive in the ancient town, alive and active! Town in the spring and autumn and winter, clear snow long rainy era, has always presented a tour of china picture of "people in the water, the water was added to our bridges, walk the pedestrian bridge, row boat under the bridge, bridge legislation shops, there are reflections in the water"the constant Water changing style paintings.

Xitang rain Gallery (Langpeng) is a unique building in the south of Yangtze River, is the town in a unique landscape, known as "rain does not wet shoes, people still walk past. china holidays " The so-called Rain Gallery, in fact, with the top of the street. 2 -2.5 m wide and generally concentrated in the North-gate Street, South Gate Street, south of the dam and other commercial areas, total length of 1,000 meters, but also can shade shelter. Linhe was undoubtedly the most unique ones, in the quiet twilight hour, walk in Langpeng, only your own heart beating some very nostalgic mood., For more information, please shift to Best China Travel Agent

